Thursday, February 23, 2017

Join Lancaster County's First Fossil and Mineral Club...

Started on December 27, 2013 is the new Lancaster County Fossil and Mineral Club... As founder and president I encourage anyone who wants, to become one of its first members...there are now 85. The Club is a non-profit organization. Meetings began in March 2014. Next meeting take place at at 7 pm at the Trinity Reformed Church of Christ, 450 West Main Street, Mountville  Pa. On Thursday, November 30, 2017. Next up Dot Thompson will be giving a presentation on "Opals"...Club  members will be treated to monthly meetings, field trips, speakers, mineral, fossil displays...  What will make our club unique will be that we will be actively engaged in our own  research.To date, we were successful in discovering what is probably the richest lenses of Kinzers shale in west York yielding hundreds of trilobites; Wannerias, Thompsonais... Also, the opening of the Dutchess Mine along the Pickering Creek in Chester County Pa. where, for-the-first-time-ever perfect graphite crystals in a matrix of blue quartz are being excavated specifically for study and mineral collectors! Membership fees are as follows: $30 per person... $40 per family / household... $15 per student. Donations are also accepted... Further information can be obtained by visiting our Facebook page, by e-mailing Thank You.